A trigonometric trick: Secrets of the Mathematical Ninja
“Have you seen this trick?” asked the student. “If you know all three sides of a right-angled triangle, you can estimate the other angles -
The Mathematical Ninja thought for a moment, and casually threw a set-square into the wall, millimetres from the student’s left ear. “What have I told you about using degrees?”
The student whimpered.
“And as for stacked fractions, did your mother never… good grief. Let’s tidy that up. Double everything top and bottom and convert to radians, as God intended, and you get
“I have to concede that that looks nicer. Does it work?”
The other set square fizzed past the student’s other ear.
“I suppose that’s a yes. Let’s see… find a cool Pythagorean triple… 16-63-65?”
The Mathematical Ninja nodded, and put the protractor down.
“Three sixteens are 48, and then we’ve got 63… 126… 193 on the bottom. Oh.
“So why does it work?”
Why DOES it work?
“Ah!” said the Mathematical Ninja. “A good question.” (“Finally,” under his breath.)
“Thank you.”
“It comes down to the expansions for
“I knew it,” said the student, who knew nothing of the sort.
“That right hand side is
“Agreed,” said the student, “so you’ve got… oh! All the
“Let’s see.
“So, I’d write down
“If I expand the top and double top and bottom, I get…
“Excellent,” said the Mathematical Ninja. “You can go a little bit further, though.”
The student glanced at the clock.
“I saw that. The expansions don’t stop at
“… ok.”
“Multiply out the top to get
“Which is, to all intents and purposes,
“No bigger than
“And what’s
“A little less,” said the Mathematical Ninja.
“And divided by 180, gosh.
The Mathematical Ninja smiled. His student was learning well.
* Thanks to Pat Ballew for the original post, and to @theoremoftheday for telling me it’s called Hugh Worthington’s rule.