A puzzle from BoingBoing
I get a lot of my problems-to-solve from Reddit, since if someone’s posted it there, there are probably thousands of people with the same difficulty. This one isn’t from Reddit, but from @frauenfelder, one of the high-heidyins at BoingBoing.
Out of the 25 homework problems, there was one that she got stuck on. I decided to give it a try and spent two hours on it without solving it.
Here it is. Verify the identity:
(It should really say “for
Want to have a go? Be my guest. Spoilers below the line.
Approach 1: start on the left
I’ve done thousands of these over the years, so I have a good sense of what’s going to work. One approach is to start on the left.
We have a
Still playing spot the difference, we’ve got a
Approach 2: start on the right
Conjugate trick. I spy a conjugate trick. I don’t like “
The RHS becomes
I think I prefer the second way, although it relies on an insight. What did you make of it?