I get a lot of my problems-to-solve from Reddit, since if someone’s posted it there, there are probably thousands of people with the same difficulty. This one isn’t from Reddit, but from @frauenfelder, one of the high-heidyins at BoingBoing.

Out of the 25 homework problems, there was one that she got stuck on. I decided to give it a try and spent two hours on it without solving it.

Here it is. Verify the identity:


(It should really say “for sin(x)1”, but we’ll roll with it.)

Want to have a go? Be my guest. Spoilers below the line.

Approach 1: start on the left

I’ve done thousands of these over the years, so I have a good sense of what’s going to work. One approach is to start on the left.

sec(x)tan(x)=1sin(x)cos(x), which looks promising – we have a (1sin(x)) on top on the right. But we still have to square it!


We have a cos2(x) we don’t really want; we can get rid of it with an identity, though: cos2(x)=1sin2(x). So we have our left-hand side as (1sin(x))21sin2(x).

Still playing spot the difference, we’ve got a (1sin(x)) too many on top… but that’s a factor of the bottom, by difference of two squares! So the LHS is (1sin(x))1+sin(x), as required.

Approach 2: start on the right

Conjugate trick. I spy a conjugate trick. I don’t like “1+sin(x)” on the bottom. I’m going to multiply everything by 1sin(x) to see if it goes away.

The RHS becomes (1sin(x))21sin2(x), or (1sin(x))2cos2(x)

That’s (1sin(x)cos(x))2, and the thing in the brackets is sec(x)tan(x), as required.

I think I prefer the second way, although it relies on an insight. What did you make of it?