The quadratic expression a2b2 factorises as (ab)(a+b).

Similarly, the expression a2+b2 factorises over the complex numbers as (abi)(a+bi).

And while I’d always sort-of-known that a3b3=(ab)(a2+ab+b2), I hadn’t quite in my head made it (ab)(aωb)(aω2b), where ω3=1.

It’s odd: I’d happily factorise x31 using ω, but the link between it and a3b3 hadn’t really jumped at me, despite writing a post about Eisenstein integers recently.

In general, then, anbn factorises as Πk=0n1(abwk), where wn=1.

Why am I mentioning it? Well, mainly to show that sometimes I miss connections that are right there in front of me. But also because it might make someone else go “oo! That’s neat.”