Dear Uncle Colin,

I have to work out cot(32π). Wolfram Alpha says it’s 0, but when I work out 1tan(32π), my calculator shows an error. What’s going on?

- Troublesome Angle, No?

Hi, TAN, and thanks for your message!

The cotangent function is slightly unusual in that it appears to have two definitions: cot(x)=1tan(x) and cot(x)=cos(x)sin(x).

Those look like they’re equivalent. And they are – everywhere except for odd multiples of π2. There, you have a problem, because tan(x) is not defined there. A mathematical cowboy might say something like “well, tan(π2) is infinity, and 1=0, so we’re all good,” but certainly not anywhere near the Mathematical Ninja.

Instead, it’s usually more sensible - if possibly a little more work - to say “I know cos(32π)=0, so cot(32π)=0.

Hope that helps!

- Uncle Colin