Dear Uncle Colin,

How would you factorise 63x2+32x63? I tried the method where you multiply a and c (it gives you -3969) - but I’m not sure how to find factors of that that sum to 32!

Factors Are Troublesomely Oversized, Urgh

Hi, FATOU, and thanks for your message!

When the numbers in a quadratic like this get large (in mental arithmetic terms, at least), I try not to think about the number itself, but about its prime factorisation.

In this case, we know -3969 is 63×63, making it 32×7×32×7 or 34×72.

How does that help?

One approach is to go systematically through the possible factor splits like this:

  • (1)×(34×72)
  • (3)×(33×72)
  • (7)×(34×7)
  • (32)×(32×72)
  • (3×7)×(33×7)
  • (33)×(3×72)
  • (72)×(34)
  • (32×7)×(32×7)

(There are (4+1)×(2+1)=15 factors of 34×72 - we’ve found eight pairs, one of which is a ‘double’, so we have them all).

We could then add up each pair to see what we wind up with.

But there’s a trick!

We know that 32 is not a multiple of 3, and not a multiple of 7. Any factor pair with a 3 in each factor, or a 7 in each factor, cannot possibly sum to 32! That reduces our workload considerably.

The only possibilities are the first - and 1+3969 is definitely not 32 - and the penultimate: 49+81 does indeed make 32.

(Had the middle number been a multiple of 3, or of 7, or of both, we could have used a similar idea: in those cases, the 3s, the 7s, or both must have been split across the factors.)

Finishing it off

We can write the quadratic as 63x2+81x49x63, which is 9x(7x+9)7(7x+9), or (9x7)(7x+9).

Hope that helps!