Ask Uncle Colin: A Rational Triangle (Of Sorts)

Dear Uncle Colin,

Is it possible to have a triangle where the ratio of side lengths a:b:c is equal to the ratio of angles A:B:C? (Ignore the equilateral triangle, it’s trivial).

- Right-Angled Triangles Included, Obviously

Hi, RATIO, and thanks for your message!

First things first: it certainly can’t be done with a right-angled triangle, but explaining why is useful for setting up the method.

In any right-angled triangle including an angle of A, the side are in the ratio sin(A):cos(A):1 and the angles are in ratio A:π2A:π2. That makes the ratio constant explicit and we can write down the equations:

  • A=π2sin(A)
  • π2A=π2cos(A)

… and the second becomes A=π2(1cos(A)).

Eliminating the A and dividing by π2 gives sin(A)=(1cos(A)), and the only plausible angles for which that’s true are A=0 and A=π2, both of which give us only a degenerate triangle.

But what if we remove the right-angle restriction?

Well, we get into the long grass fairly quickly. Let’s assume a triangle exists, with angles A, B and πAB and sides a, b and c opposite those in order, such that A:B:πAB=a:b:c.

We can break out the sine rule and state that a:b:c=sin(A):sin(B):sin(πAB), which means we can now completely ignore the side lengths. If we also notice that sin(πAB)sin(A+B), we get A:B:πAB=sin(A):sin(B):sin(A+B). Can we make that work?

We could (by which I mean, I did) try to solve that. It’s a mess. Instead, let’s try special cases – the first that springs to mind is, what if A=B?

If A=B, then we have A:π2A=sin(A):sin(2A), which is already a much simpler thing to solve. We can write it as π2AA=sin(2A)A, or even πA2=2cos(A).

That rearranges to A=π2+2cos(A), which has solutions… but unfortunately, only when A=π3 – the equilateral triangle – or A=π2 – which is degenerate. Curses!

What if A=2B? Then we’ve got A:2A:π3A=sin(A):sin(2A):sin(3A), which looks quite sleek. Sadly, that’s not going to work, either. If Asin(A)=2Asin(2A), then AsinA=AsinAcosA and we have cos(A)=1 again – and a degenerate triangle.

A smart thing to do would be to investigate the expression xsin(x). That has a derivative of sin(x)xcos(x)sin2(x), which is positive for 0<x<π – it’s only zero when x=tan(x).

In particular, it’s an increasing function, and therefore one-to-one – which means that Asin(A)=Bsin(B) implies A=B. As a result, the only triangles that can possibly work have all three angles the same.

Neat question! I hope that helps.

- Uncle Colin

  • Thanks to Andrew Buhr for letting me know about a linking problem in this post.