Dear Uncle Colin,

In a recent exam, I was invited to solve 12x259x+72=0 without a calculator. Is that a reasonable thing to ask?

Very Irate EdExcel-Taught Examinee

Hi, VIETE, and I don’t blame you for being cross - in a non-calculator exam, I’m not sure that really tests the Supposedly Important Skills you’re meant to have.

That said, it’s not impossible.

Method 1: using the formula

This is a bit brutal, but it can be done: if a=12, b=59 and c=72, you have 59±(59)24(12)(72)2(12). None of that is especially nice, but 592=3481, which you could get by expanding (601)2; 4×12×72=48×72=(6012)(60+12)=3600144=3456.

The difference between those is 25, so the big square root becomes 5. Your answers are 59±524, or 6424=83 and 5424=94.

Method 2: factorising (1)

You can also play the “magic numbers” game I’ve talked about elsewhere, and find factors of 12×72 that sum to 59. Note that I don’t really care what 12×72 is - I’m just going to work with the factors about until I find a pair that works.

Some things I notice: both of the magic numbers must be negative; also, one must be even and one odd (otherwise their sum would be even).

And whatever 12×72 is, it doesn’t have all that many odd factors. Its prime factorisation is 25×33, so its only negative odd factors are -1, -3, -9 and -27. Of those, (27)+(32) gives the required 59.

Splitting the original expression up as 12x227x32x+72, I get 3x(4x9)8(4x9) or (3x8)(4x9) as before.

Method 3: factorising (2)

That method did rather depend on spotting something nice about the factors. An alternative approach is a trial and improvement method to see which factor pairs are too close together or too far apart.

For example, we know that 12×72 would give the necessary number - however, (12)+(72)=84, which means that pair is too far apart. So, let’s try doubling the -12 and halving the -72:

(24)+(36)=60, which is close, but still too far apart - so our factors need to be between -24 and -36. At least one of them has to be a multiple of 3, so our candidates are -27, -30 and -33; -30 can’t work (there’s no factor of 5) and neither can -33 (no factor of 11), so -27 is our only shot. A little work (multiplying the first by 98 and the second by 89 gives the same -27 and -32 as before).

Method 4: completing the square.

Seriously? I mean… you can do it, but I’m not sure you’d want to.

You end up with something like 12[(x5924)2]59248+72=0.

That will come out ok: [(x5924)2]=5924×1226 - but this boils down to the same arithmetic in method 1.

So, VIETE: it’s possible to do, but I don’t think it’s an especially good thing to be asked to do under pressure in an exam.

Hope that helps!


* Edited 2017-08-16 to fix a LaTeX error.