Dear Uncle Colin,

I have to find the points A and B on the curve x2+y2xy=84 where the gradient of the tangent is 13. I find four possible points, but the mark scheme only lists two. Where have I gone wrong?

I’ve Miscounted Points Like I Can’t Infer Tangents

Hi, IMPLICIT, and thanks for your message!

I think I have an idea of what’s gone wrong. Let me talk through the question.

Differentiating implicitly

If you differentiate implicitly, you find that 2x+2ydydxyxdydx=0. You could simplify that, but there’s really no need: you know that dydx=13 so you find that 2x+23yy13x=0, or (multiplying by 3 and simplifying), 5xy=0.

Substituting back in

The simplest thing I can see is to let y=5x in the original equation, so we get x2+25x25x2=84, which simplifies to 21x2=84, or x2=4. Thus, x=±2.

Here’s where I think your problem probably lies: if you put those two x values into the original equation, you get four possible solutions – however, only two of them also satisfy the second equation.

Using the second equation, you find that A and B are (2,10) and (2,10), in either order.

Here’s a picture of what’s going on:

The red points are the phantom solutions - it’s easy to see that the gradient at both points is greater than 13.

Hope that helps!

- Uncle Colin