Ask Uncle Colin: Powers and polar form
Dear Uncle Colin,
I’ve been given
and been told to express it in polar form. I’ve got as far as , but don’t know where to take it from there! - Not A Problem I’m Expecting to Resolve
Hello, NAPIER, and thanks for your message!
I fear you’ve fallen into one of the classical mathematical traps: you cannot generally say that
I know of three more-or-less reasonable ways to do this, one of which is so much easier than the others, I hesitate to call them reasonable.
Method 1: expand the brackets
It’s simple! ‘Just’ work out
Expanding the first pair of brackets here gives you
But that’s a silly way to do it. We know a better way to expand many copies of the same bracket.
Method 2: binomial expansion
Using the traditional binomial expansion routine with
… as before. Again, that’s
Method 3: the proper way
By far the simplest way is to take your complex number and turn it directly into polar form:
I hope that clears it up!
-- Uncle Colin