Ask Uncle Colin: Some number theory
Dear Uncle Colin,
I need to show that
is in and I don’t really know where to start. We Haven’t Approached Tackling Such Questions
Hi, WHATSQ, and thanks for your message!
I am absolutely not a number theorist, although I must admit to getting a bit curious about it recently.
What does that notation mean?
In number theory, you can extend a field 1 by throwing extra numbers or symbols into it. For example, the complex numbers can be written as
Another example:
We have
This extended field is also a field – which means (in particular) that any power of the extended number also belongs to the field, and that’s how we’re going to attack this problem.
Messing around and seeing what we get
We know that
Now we’re getting somewhere: this tells us that
Keep on messing!
If we multiply
If we subtract
Squaring this gives
And finally, since
I don’t know that that’s the simplest way to do it - I’d be delighted to hear of a less convoluted method! - but I hope it helps all the same.
- Uncle Colin
1. A set of numbers where you have the four basic operators defined and following the usual rules of arithmetic