Bone Marrow Odds
I don’t remember doing it - although I’d meant to for some time - but apparently I signed up for the British Bone Marrow Registry. (If you’re between 17 and 40, you can sign up the next time you give blood; the more people on the register, the more likely it is for people who need a transfer to find a match.)
But this post isn’t about how lovely and generous I am 1. Instead, it’s about a stat in the letter they sent me: in any given month, there is a 1-in-240 chance of a given person on the register being matched with someone who needs a donation.
Is that a big number?
For me, that’s surprisingly high. In any given year, that’s about 5%.
I worked that out as
In any given decade, that’s closer to 40% - we’re into “
Will I get to save a life?
I hope so - and I think the odds are good. I don’t know if there’s an upper age limit (maybe 65?), so let’s say I have 25 years ahead of me (all being well). That’s 300 months, which translates to an
* Find out more about the bone marrow registry here.
1. at least, not entirely