An implicit differentiation question dealt with y42x2+8xy2+9=0. Differentiating it is easy enough for a competent A-level student - but what does the curve look like? That requires a bit more thought.

My usual approach to sketching a function uses a structure I call DATAS:

  • Domain: where is the function defined?
  • Axes: where does the function cross them?
  • Turning points: where are the function’s critical points?
  • Asymptotes: what happens when x or y get really big?
  • Shape: what does the graph look like overall?

As it turns out, this approach is almost entirely useless here: we’re not even looking at a function! It’s not at all clear from first inspection what x values are consistent with y, setting x=0 reveals that the curve doesn’t cross the y-axis (although y=0 leads to x2=92, which at least gives us a couple of points on the curve.) Critical points? The gradient is never zero.

Asymptotes are a bit more helpful: as y and x get enormous, the curve approaches y4=x2, which looks like y=x, but reflected in both axes.

But still, there’s not really anything to build a shape on. Instead, I’m going to have to do some Actual Maths.

The first thing I notice is that I’ve got y4 and y2 in there, which suggests I might be able to complete the square to get it into a nicer form. Indeed, it sorts itself out fairly nicely as (y2+4x)2=18x29, with a little bit of work. But how to sketch that?

Let’s play with the variables a bit. If I call the bracket on the left z, just to see what happens, I get z2=18x29. That’s a hyperbola, crossing the x-axis when x=±22, and approaching the lines z=±3x2 as x gets large. Now it’s just a case of transforming.

Now, if I let w=y2, I’ve got z=w+4x - so I can transform from z-space to w-space by shifting the graph “down” by 4x, which I suppose is a shear. The easiest way for me to picture this is to consider how the asymptotes move: the one that was z=3x2 becomes w=(324)x, which remains a positive gradient, but only just. The other, z=3x2, becomes much steeper, w=(32+4)x.

The overall effect on the hyperbola is to push it downwards on the right and upwards on the left - with the crest on the left above the x-axis and the one on the right below.

One last transformation! We need to replace w with y2. Clearly, y2 only takes on positive values, so we can ignore anything below the x-axis. On the right, things are simple: instead of approaching the straight line, the ‘hyperbola’ now approaches a pair of square root curves. It’s symmetrical about the x-axis, and is vertical when it crosses (at x=322, as previously mentioned.)

On the left is where things get interesting! The part of the w-space curve above the x-axis doubles back on itself - which means the y-space curve does the same thing, but now with a reflection below the axis. The curve is vertical when x=22 and when x=322 (as it crosses the axis), making a sort of 3 shape to the left of the y-axis.

And we’re done! I think it looks like a fish smoking a cigar, but others suggest less innocent interpretations.