“That’s going to be a quick one,” I thought. It did not turn out that way.

An email from friend and hero Rob Eastaway, asking if I can run a Monte Carlo simulation for him. The problem:

Imagine you’re playing a game like Snakes and Ladders but without snakes or ladders. Each move, you roll a six-sided die and move on that many squares. For each square, what’s the probability you land on it?

Of course I can! And I can check it against a couple of Rob’s observations:

  • Because you can only land on square 1 by rolling a 1 on your first go, the probability of landing on 1 is 16
  • In the long run, you move 3.5 squares each go, so the probability for high-numbered squares should be close to 27.

So, I set up a simulation, ran it 10,000,000 times, and estimated the probability to 1dp as requested. Job done, right?

Well, it wouldn’t be worth writing up if I’d stopped there.

A Monte Carlo simulation? We can do better than that.

Rather than simulate it, we can calculate the probability for each square.

We can set up a recurrence relation:


In principle, you can solve that exactly for as many values of n as you want – although I took the lazy way out and trusted Python’s floats to be good enough for Rob.

But did I catch something out of the corner of my eye?

Hello, sensei.

My powers are fading.

Well, fading is your power. What have you got for us?

When you see a recurrence relation, you should think “generating function.”

Of course!

On your first throw, you’re at square 0 with probability 1, so we’ll get G0(x)=1.

I know better than to question.

Now, each time we throw the die, we multiply the existing probability distribution by g(x)=16(x+x2+x3+x4+x5+x6).

Oh yes – the coefficient of xn is the probability of ending up on square n.

Indeed. And so G1(x) is exactly g(x), G2(x) is g(x)2 and so on.

So you have the probability distribution of where you will be after any number of throws – and you have to add them all up to get Rob’s distribution?

Correct! I shall – against all my principles – drop the (x) and say G=G0+G1+G2+, or G=n=0gn.

That’s a geometric sequence!

It is. G=11g. But we can do better: g is also a geometric sequence – it works out to be x(1x6)6(1x).

I can’t say that that looks pleasant.

It isn’t. G simplifies to 6(1x)6(1x)x(1x6), or 6(1x)67x+x7.

I would not put such a thing into Wolfram|Alpha. I have not seen any Wolfram|Alphas around here. Don’t ask me any more questions.