Revisiting Basel
Some while ago, I showed a slightly dicey proof of the Basel Problem identity,
My old friend Jean Reinaud stepped up to the mark with an exercise from his undergraduate textbook:
The French isn’t that difficult, but just in case:
Determine real numbers
and such that , for any integer . Hence deduce
As usual, I suggest having a go at this yourself before reading on. Below here be spoilers.
Setting up the integral
The first part isn’t too tricky: integrating by parts and noting that
We need the top to be 1, and we split it into two cases:
In the odd case,
In the even case,
Our integral is
The tricky bit: the infinite sum
So, to get our result, presumably we just need to sum all of those integrals from 1 to
The brackety bit doesn’t have anything to do with
Evaluating that sum, we hit a problem: it doesn’t converge for any value of
We can engage in a bit of jiggery-pokery with the partial sums, and show that they converge to the right thing.
Let’s start with
- a) Express each cosine as
, add up the resulting geometric series and play about until you get the result; - b) Look it up on Wolfram Alpha; or
- c) Look it up on Wikipedia.
All three, thankfully, give the same result:
Well, that’s a mess. However, it does reduce a pretty substantial sum to something that only depends on
Evaluating that mess
But how to evaluate that, combined with the quadratic
Let’s split that hairy square bracket into two parts: the
Jean’s textbook gives us a hint:
That gives us a lower bound for
Pushing the
Stick it in the parts formula, turn the crank, note that
This is good: the lower bound goes to zero as
Great. However, that’s just a lower bound. What about an upper bound?
Can we express it another way?
Of course we can.
Let’s come back to here:
… and expand the sine in the numerator. We get
Of course, there’s a
… at least momentarily.
Back to the integral
Everything after the
* If you’ve enjoyed this post, and want to do something kind: please sign up to be an organ donor. Without someone like you saying “I want to help someone live after I die,” Jean would not be with us today. I’m on the register - I’d be delighted if you joined me.
1. Avoiding surprise factorial
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