Sketching graphs: the DATA method
The DATA method is probably the coolest acronym I’ve ever come up with - it’s even about graphs! It’s a four-point plan for how to sketch a graph and be pretty sure of getting the salient features right.
D is for domain
The first thing to decide is, where is the function you’re trying to draw defined? Are you given a domain in the question? If it has square roots or logarithms in, figure out which values of
A is for asymptotes
By this stage, you’ve done half the work on asymptotes - when you looked for denominators becoming zero, you found most of the vertical asymptotes. (You’d also get one if you had a
You’ve also got horizontal asymptotes: you get these by thinking about what happens when
T is for turning points
You can find turning points, of course, by differentiating and finding what values of
A is for axes
Lastly - although it’s the first thing you learn to do in C1 sketching - where does the graph cross the
Once you have those elements in place, it’s just a case of joining things up! Remember, your sketch isn’t going to go in the National Gallery, so it doesn’t have to be a work of art: it just needs to show the important points and have the right sort of shape.
One last thing: draw BIG. The more space you have for labels, the clearer you can make things.
* Edited 2014-06-27 to correct where