Some days your mind wanders into an interesting puzzle: not necessarily because it’s a difficult puzzle, but because it has familiar result. Then the puzzle becomes, how are the two things linked?

For example, I had cause to add up all of the numbers in the times tables - let’s say the grid from 1×1 to 10×10.

I did the natural thing for a mathematician: I split it into ten arithmetic sequences - the numbers from 1×1 to 10×1 sum to 55; the numbers from 1×2 to 10×2 sum to 55×2, and so on.

Then I have 55×(1+2++10)=552=3025.

In general, the times table grid from 1×1 to n×n gives a sum of (n(n+1)2)2, or n2(n+1)24.

But hang on a minute

That’s the sum of the cubes from 1 to n! Why on earth should that be? I don’t see any cubes!

After a lot of thought, I found them.

Let’s just look at the products 1 that have a 10 in them - from 1×10 to 10×10 down to 10×1, nineteen products in all.

Imagine each of them as a rectangle. We have a 10×10 square. We also have 9×10 and 10×1, which we can stick together to make a square. Similarly, 8×10 and 10×2. The eighteen non-square products can be paired up to make nine ten-by-ten squares - added to the 10×10, that gives us a 10×10×10 cube.

And we’re left with the times tables up to 9×9, on which we can play the same trick. Each ‘band’ of the times table grid can be folded together to make a cube!

I thought that was a lovely, unexpected connection. I’d be thrilled to hear if you had another way of explaining it - the comments are open!


1. in our original 10 by 10 grid, although it works generally