Tamil Fractions
A friend asks for REASONS:
THAERTTHUGAL n. The smallest named fraction in the ancient Tamil language = 1/2323824530227200000000.
— The QI Elves (@qikipedia) April 7, 2014
A who to the what now? A twelve-letter word, a thaerrhugaL, representing a number somewhere in the region of twenty-three ninety-ninths of a sextillionth.
It’s hardly unreasonable to demand REASONS. It’s not an ‘obvious’ number - a power of anything, for example. Its reciprocal is (brilliantly)
The Wikipedia page on Tamil fractions sheds a little more light, though:
- 1/160= araikkaaNi
- 1/320= munthiri
- 1/102,400= keezh munthiri
- 1/2,150,400= immi
- 1/23,654,400= mummi
- 1/165,580,800= aNu
- 1/1,490,227,200= kuNam
- 1/7,451,136,000= pantham
- 1/44,706,816,000= sggtta
- 1/312,947,712,000= vintham
- 1/5,320,111,104,000= naagavintham
- 1/74,481,555,456,000= sinthai
- 1/1,489,631,109,120,000= kathirmunai
- 1/59,585,244,364,800,000= kuralvaLaippidi
- 1/3,575,114,661,888,000,000= veLLam
- 1/357,511,466,188,800,000,000= nuNNmaNl
- 1/2,323,824,530,227,200,000,000= thaertthugaL
Spot the pattern? No, me either. However, it turns out that each fraction is related to the one before:
Oh, those wacky Tamils! What a ludicrous way of dealing with naming fractions! Where does that 17 come from, for example? Why suddenly