Wrong, But Useful: Episode 60
In this month’s episode of Wrong, But Useful, we’re joined by Special Guest Cohost @macaronique, who is Angela Brett in real life.
- Angela recites her poem They Might Not Be Giants
- We discuss joy in teaching and learning, and crosswords
- Number of the podcast: 44, the number of derangements of five element
- Early bird pricing for Big MathsJam closes soon
- Colin has been reading Hannah Fry’s Hello World.
- An NRICH questionnaire you should do
- Things people don’t know
- Caucher Birkar is an assumed name, and is the Kurdish for “Migrant Mathematician”
- @peterrowlett is looking out for recreational maths problems a second-year degree student could engage with, but not someone with less maths training.
- @solvemymaths: counterintuitive things
- Puzzle feedback: @chrishazell wins a green star for implying that he solved the puzzle in episode 59. The expected number of throws were 6 and 4, in some order.
- Puzzle: Can you list the integers from 1 to 15 so that each pair of adjacent numbers adds up to a square number? If so, what’s the next number you can do this for?
* Edited 2018-09-18 to fix some links.