Wrong, but Useful: Episode 75
In episode 75 of Wrong, but Useful, we talk with @astrastefania, who is Stefania Delprete in real life. We discuss:
- Dreams about Maths and doing Maths in lucid dreams
- Goodreads maths reading challenge
- Newsletters I like: Stuff Evelyn Wants You To Read by @evelynjlamb and and Fair Warning by @SophieWarnes
- Is a parallelogram a trapezium? (via @cshearer41)
- via @jamesgrime: The bullseye illusion
- RI Christmas lectures with @fryrsquared
- How do you describe Confidence Intervals? How damaging is to say “I’m 95% sure that mu is between ‘here’ and ‘here’ “? We reference The Maths of Life and Death.
- via @MrShepherd Maths (Lee Shepherd): “This may be a really stupid one but please enlighten me as I’ve been thinking for a few weeks to work it out. If irrational numbers are infinitely long, does pi contain the value e in its decimal? Do they converge at some point?”
- via @johndcook: A simple unsolved problem: Are there infinitely many positive integers n such that
? - via @wtgowers: Pretty accessible explanation of how to solve a cubic
- Via Adam Atkinson: how much would a suitcase of gold weigh?
- Pizza Hut’s 41% off food in January
- Drawing a perfect circle
- Questions I wasn’t expecting … When you’re numbering a list for a random sample, do you number across or down? and … Why isn’t stabbing my pen into the page ‘random’?
- What can I do with a pricing gun?
- Where did Lagrange come from?
* Edited 2020-01-17 to correct @fryrsquared’s Twitter handle. Thanks to @peterrowlett.