Wrong, But Useful: Episode 78
In episode 78 of Wrong, But Useful, we’re joined by @c0mplexnumber, who is Clarissa Grandi in real life.
This month, we discuss:
- Clarissa’s Artful maths books, available via Tarquin - the activity book and the teacher’s guide
- Number of the podcast:
(and 3D maths) - @anniek_p’s #mathartchallenge
- Aperiodical’s big math-off is live! Also the stickerbook
- Rabbits and elephants
- Super-rectangles
- (via Peter Rowlett): Maths to get you through lockdown
- COVID-19 and Bayes’s theorem
- Supermarket 2m distancing/route planning
- Richard Guy (103 1/2) and John Conway (82) have died.
- Casio calculator emulators now free
- Probability Question from an American Maths challenge
- (via Peter Rowlett) ABC conjecture proof to be published
- (via Peter Rowlett): Podcast roundup
- The final few episodes of Wrong, But Useful. After some discussion, we’ve decided that Episode 80 will be the last WBU, although we hope someone else will pick up the topical maths podcast baton.
* Edited 2020-04-19 to add show notes.