Wrong, But Useful - Episode 21
This month on Wrong, But Useful, @reflectivemaths and I (@icecolbeveridge) talk about…
- How close is it to Christmas?
- Who the hell are we and why the hell do we do this?
- Other maths podcasts: Taking Maths Further and Relatively Prime
- Colin offers a bounty for pictures of members of the Government holding Basic Maths For Dummies
- ‘Number of the podcast’ -
- We refer to McLeman’s coolest numbers in Episode 1 and the Ninja’s response
- 3435 is a munchausen number.
- $3^3 + 4^4 + 3^3 + 5^5 = 3435$
- Only 1 and 3435 are munchausen numbers
- Age range compatibility equation
- $\text{Min}(Age) = \frac{Age}{2} + 7$
- $\text{Max}(Age) = 2(Age - 7)$
- Colin’s classic post from 2010
- @colinthemathmo asks:
A question for my math(s) tweeps: What’s your favourite topic in maths? Complex numbers? Implicit differentiation? Circle theorems? Vectors?
- Dave invites abuse by answering “Questionnaire design.” Let him have it.
- Politican’s bar charts
- @srcav’s graph: https://twitter.com/srcav/status/535183089635700737
- Colin is giving a talk at Bournemouth Skeptics in the Pub (April 8th)
- What is a fourth?
- @conniehamilton asks a simple question and gets a lot of discussion
- Euler’s Formula in 2- and 3-D, and the Beveridge-Longcope Equation
- Problem of the month via @solvemymaths (If you’ve already done it, do it another way)