An awkward sum
I’m not sure where I got this question from. It asks for the value of the infinite sum:
Have a go if you’d like; spoilers are below the line.
The first thing I would do is work out the general term. The numerators are going up by two each time, so I reckon it’s
How do we get that? Partial fractions look like they might be our friend.
It turns out that it’s a bit less messy to work out
Aside: let’s solve this two ways
First way: simultaneous equations. I don’t much care for this way, but it seems that some do.
Matching coefficients:
This gives us
Alternatively, we can substitute any numbers we like into [*] and get:
: , so , so , as before.
Back to the question at hand
Let’s write out a few terms of that:
k | |||||
1 | |||||
2 | . | ||||
3 | . | . |
It’s hopefully quite clear that the terms with a denominator of 3 sum to zero, and so will the terms with a denominator of 4, 5 and so on.
All we’re left with are the denominators of 1 (which sum to 1) and 2 (which sum to
We could use generating functions. It’s massively overkill, but it’s a good excuse to use the technique. Let’s imagine that our sum is in fact a function of
We can reuse our partial fractions and rewrite that as
And what we have there are three logarithmic series. Let’s examin them in turn:
. -
This one’s a bit trickier. I would start with
- or more nicely,
So, altogether,
That screams “regroup!” at me. I’m going to turn the whole thing into a single fraction:
We’re interested in the value of this when
Fortunately, the factor in front of the logarithm also evaluater to zero, and
So, in the limit, we’re left with
I’m absolutely not saying that the generating functions way is easier, but the technique is an interesting and wide-ranging one. Try applying it to your favourite difficult sequences today!
1. Prove this, if you’d like to.