
The Flying Colours Maths blog has been running posts twice weekly since 2012, covering maths from the basics to… well, the most advanced stuff I have a clue about.

Here they all are, sorted by date. Some day, other ways to filter them will be possible.


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Ask Uncle Colin: can you solve $x^7 = 14$ without a calculator?

A Puzzle from The Strand (1914)

Don't make me tap the sign: $0.999\dots = 1$

On Maths and AI

A Proof Without A Convincing Picture

Why is this a nice puzzle?

Don't Make Me Tap The Sign: $0^0$ is undefined

Colin's Cow

Generating functions and probability distributions

On exams: a rant

The Shortest Hypotenuse

Ask Uncle Colin: How do you factorise this?

Useful logs trick

Ask Uncle Colin: How do I factorise this?

Ask Uncle Colin: Lost in Logarithms

Reasonable rounding

Ask Uncle Colin: Splitting Two Pizzas

Ask Uncle Colin: an induction proof

Sum of factors

A Bostock And Chandler Stumper

Completing the square on a quartic

A variant on a classic

A dreadful question

A lovely proof

Ask Uncle Colin: A Trig Identity Puzzle

The square root of 1326

Why does the difference of two squares work?

Ask Uncle Colin: A Factor of 77

A problem from the future

Simultaneous powers

Random Number Challenge

Ask Uncle Colin: Integrating sin(x)

An infinite ODE

How do you prove that $\pi < \sqrt{10}$?

Randomer and randomer

Ask Uncle Colin: An Ugly Sum

Powers of 2 and logs base 10

Ask Uncle Colin: 17.5%

Sums and products

Ask Uncle Colin: Fitting a Curve

Ask Uncle Colin: A Trig Question

Laplace transforms and ODEs

An obvious thought about factors

Ask Uncle Colin: Factorising a cubic

Dice and Squares

Ten Quick Questions

Ask Uncle Colin: the Cube Root of 19,683

Hell-popping coconuts

Some Proof approaches

Ask Uncle Colin: An Approximate Exponent

Ask Uncle Colin: Problematic Vectors

Ask Uncle Colin: The Probability of winning

A STEP question failure

A surprisingly deep puzzle

An awkward sum

A factorial puzzle

Ask Uncle Colin: A Radical Identity

An involved inverse

How many friends does Sam have?

A brief investigation into the cubic election "law"

Taxicab Numbers and the Eisenstein Integers

Ask Uncle Colin: A Quartic

Deducing a function

A Countdown Conundrum

Reverse Polish Notation

A problem in powers

Ask Uncle Colin: A Cubic Curiosity

A fishy inequality

On extending the Euclidean Algorithm to Gaussian integers

An algebraic argument for the discriminant

A preposterous parking price

Ask Uncle Colin: Jumping

How Do You Solve A Problem Like Bulgaria?

Factorising with Gaussian integers

Getting things wrong, together

Dictionary of Mathematical Eponymy: The Wallis Sieve


Ask Uncle Colin: A Circumcircle

Two puzzles

Correcting an oversight

Ask Uncle Colin: A Little Complexity

Dictionary of Mathematical Eponymy: Vernier Scales

Ask Uncle Colin: Evaluate This!

Socks, revisited

Ask Uncle Colin: The cross product form of a line

A puzzle in Turkish

Dictionary of Mathematical Eponymy: The Ueda Attractor

Ask Uncle Colin: A Geometric Sequence with a Cosine in it

All The Ones

Ask Uncle Colin: Why is nCr always an integer?

Dictionary of Mathematical Eponymy: Torricelli's Law

Problem solved!

Ask Uncle Colin: A Sneaky Simultaneous Equation

Problem-solving out loud

Ask Uncle Colin: Far too many cosines

Dictionary of Mathematical Eponymy: Sang's Logarithmic Method

Ask Uncle Colin: A Rugby Puzzler

Alternative irrationality proofs

Ask Uncle Colin: Three Unknowns

How to rate a hill

Dictionary of Mathematical Eponymy: Rice Pentagonal Tilings

Ask Uncle Colin: What Does This Sum To?

Putting the fun in functions

Ask Uncle Colin: A Poor Approximation

The Dictionary of Mathematical Eponymy: Qvist's Theorem

A Problem-Solving Post Mortem

Ask Uncle Colin: Can you find an oblique asymptote without polynomial division?

A Red Rag To A Bull (The Duckworth-Lewis-Stern Method)

Ask Uncle Colin: What's the Bisector of a Tesseract

The Dictionary of Mathematical Eponymy: The Lute of Pythagoras

IRAC and Mathematical Communication

Ask Uncle Colin: the ff(n) puzzle

The Legendary Question 6

Dictionary of Mathematical Eponymy: The Ollerenshaw-Brée Theorem

Ask Uncle Colin: The RMS Line

An Argand Diagram Puzzler

Ask Uncle Colin: How can I tell if my quartic is a square?

The Dictionary of Mathematical Eponymy: The Nixon Diamond

Unlabelled triangles

Ask Uncle Colin: About Partial Fractions

A Logarithmic Sequence

Dictionary of Mathematical Eponymy: Mercier tables

Ask Uncle Colin: A second derivative

In Praise of Idlework

Ask Uncle Colin: An Unknown Denominator

Why is pi pi?

The Dictionary of Mathematical Eponymy: The Laves Graph

Ask Uncle Colin: How Do I Remember The Trig Formulas

Dotty Hexagons

Ask Uncle Colin: How Do I Improve My Problem-Solving Skills?

Cutting a cake into sixths or thirds

Ask Uncle Colin: horrible powers

A Folded Channel

Ask Uncle Colin: Too Many Answers

The Dictionary of Mathematical Eponymy: Kawasaki's Theorem

Ask Uncle Colin: A Cursed Integral

An Interesting Integral

Ask Uncle Colin: Which Way Does Friction Go?

A Facet of Factoring

Ask Uncle Colin: A Nonlinear Graph Transformation

Some Smart STEP Trigonometry

Ask Uncle Colin: A Dungeon Decision

A Cubic Conundrum

Ask Uncle Colin: A Jigsaw Puzzle

The Dictionary of Mathematical Eponymy: The Jordan Curve Theorem

Ask Uncle Colin: Why is this pi by 4?

A Twenty-Five Horse Race

Ask Uncle Colin: How to factorise this?

The Shoelace Formula

Ask Uncle Colin: Factorising a cubic

Using generating functions to solve recurrence relations

Ask Uncle Colin: A Circular Tangent

The Dictionary of Mathematical Eponymy: Itô Calculus

Ask Uncle Colin: an odd distribution

A Fermi Estimation Problem: How Many People Have A Maths A-Level?

Ask Uncle Colin: Why does this have repeated roots?

An infinite sum

Ask Uncle Colin: A rotated hyperbola

Morrie's Law

Ask Uncle Colin - An Implicit Curve

Dictionary of Mathematical Eponymy: The Haynsworth Inertia Additivity Formula

Ask Uncle Colin: Comparing Irrational Exponents

Reversible numbers

What's My Plot, Episode 3

Ask Uncle Colin: A Messy Cosh

Brathwaite's Law

Ask Uncle Colin: A Tricksy Triangle

Solving Pell's equation with continued fractions

Ask Uncle Colin: An Antisymmetric Relation

A sock puzzle

Ask Uncle Colin: A fiddly Area

Dictionary of Mathematical Eponymy: The Gray Graph

Ask Uncle Colin: Runs of numbers

Five reasons your trapezium rule answer might be off

Ask Uncle Colin: Messy Geometry

A STEP question that just drops out

Ask Uncle Colin: An Algebraic Puzzler

The Angle Windmill

Ask Uncle Colin: A Tournament

Dictionary of Mathematical Eponymy: The Fischer 1960 Ellipsoid

Ask Uncle Colin: A Vector Problem

A crab and some cups

Ask Uncle Colin: A Gnarly Integral

Monty Hall and the Two-Armed Bandit

Ask Uncle Colin: A Pathological Conic

An iterative wrinkle

Ask Uncle Colin: The Constant Term

The Dictionary of Mathematical Eponymy: The Euler Brick

What's the plot, episode 2

Ask Uncle Colin: Simplify *this*!

Books for... Real Analysis

Ask Uncle Colin: Is this an ellipse?

Curvilinear Asymptotes in GeoGebra

What's the plot

Ask Uncle Colin: Comparing numbers

The Last Banana

Ask Uncle Colin: The Middle Value

A chalkboard challenge

Ask Uncle Colin: Couples

Dictionary of Mathematical Eponymy: The Dubins Path

Ask Uncle Colin: Which roots have the greater sum?

A piece of cake

Ask Uncle Colin: A Geometric Subset

A pretty puzzle

Ask Uncle Colin: A classical mixture

Circles in Seattle

Ask Uncle Colin: A Couple of Tangents

The Dictionary of Mathematical Eponymy: Borromean rings and the Clélie curve

Ask Uncle Colin: Remembering the Unit Circle

Why $\Gamma\left(\frac{1}{2}\right) = \sqrt{\pi}$

Ask Uncle Colin: A restricted determinant

A Continued Fraction for $e$

Ask Uncle Colin: Comparing powers

How should the children cross the road?

Ask Uncle Colin: The Swiss System and the Champions League

On division rules

Ask Uncle Colin: limits with different arguments

The Dictionary of Mathematical Eponymy: The Witch of Agnesi

Ask Uncle Colin - A Tangential Proof


Ask Uncle Colin: A Thirteenth Root

Reflecting on a MAT question

Ask Uncle Colin: Adjusting a sketch


Ask Uncle Colin: The Turning Points of a Cubic

Dictionary of Mathematical Eponymy: Zhao Youqin's Method

Ask Uncle Colin: A Four-Rooted Quartic

A puzzle on a square

Ask Uncle Colin: A 100th digit of a 500th power

A Triplets Puzzle

An Olympiad question

Ask Uncle Colin: An Inequality Implication

Dictionary of Mathematical Eponymy: Yamartino's Method

Ask Uncle Colin: a surprising sum

Books of the Year 2020

Ask Uncle Colin: Do You *Have* To Be Such A Smart-Arse?

A factorial puzzle from NRICH

Ask Uncle Colin: What shape is this?

Fahrenheit and Celsius

Ask Uncle Colin: How did they do this so quickly?

Dictionary of Mathematical Eponymy: The Xuong Tree

Ask Uncle Colin: A Bogus Proof

A random number puzzle

Ask Uncle Colin: Circles

A proof without words

Ask Uncle Colin: Angles and roots

The Mathematical Ninja and the Cube Root of 81

Ask Uncle Colin: A Calculator Error

Continued fractions and the square root of 3.

Ask Uncle Colin: A Seemingly Undefined Integral

Dictionary of Mathematical Eponymy: Wahba's Problem

Ask Uncle Colin: An equation full of powers

When Maths Gets Difficult

Ask Uncle Colin: an unexpected Golden Ratio

A Catriona Shearer Classic

Ask Uncle Colin: how many zeros?

Completing the square

Ask Uncle Colin: A Pair Of Toy Trucks

Dictionary of Mathematical Eponymy: Volder's algorithm

Ask Uncle Colin: integrating a trigonometric product

A Puzzle Full of Nines

Ask Uncle Colin: How do I stretch my students?

Primes or not?

Ask Uncle Colin: Where does the asymptote go?

The Mathematical Ninja and the Power of Ten

Ask Uncle Colin: An Integral The Tutor Couldn't Do

Dictionary of Mathematical Eponymy: The Ulam Spiral

Ask Uncle Colin: Slicing a Cone

How many people did they ask?

Ask Uncle Colin: On the Mediant

On Continued Fractions

Ask Uncle Colin: Powers

Eye to Eye

Ask Uncle Colin: A Circle In 3D

A puzzle from BoingBoing

Ask Uncle Colin: The Area In Between

Dictionary of Mathematical Eponymy: Trémaux's Algorithm

Ask Uncle Colin: A Sum With An Unknown

The Mathematical Ninja and Logs Base 2

Ask Uncle Colin: Factorising

Summing with Generating Functions

Ask Uncle Colin: Why does the $ac$ method work?

Captain Holt's Seesaw

Ask Uncle Colin: Dividing Decimals

Dictionary of Mathematical Eponymy: The Sieve of Sundaram

Ask Uncle Colin: The Area Between Two Curves

On Common Factors and Multiples

Wrong, but Useful: Episode 80/80

Ask Uncle Colin: A Fraction of a Square

A Sudoku Surprise

Ask Uncle Colin: An Octahedral Angle

Resolving an Unfinished League

There is no Ask Uncle Colin today #strike4blacklives

Cav, Catriona and some hexagons

Ask Uncle Colin: Two Numbers Close To 1

The Dictionary of Mathematical Eponymy: Randolph diagrams

Ask Uncle Colin: A difference of polynomials

A puzzle from Sheena

Ask Uncle Colin: Flipping Signs

Bending a long bar

Ask Uncle Colin: A Fractional Equation

Binet’s formula and Haskell

Ask Uncle Colin: The Empty Product

Dictionary of Mathematical Eponymy: The Quine-McCluskey Algorithm

Ask Uncle Colin: Rotating vectors

Some puzzles from Cav

Ask Uncle Colin: Two trig identities

Powers and remainders

Wrong, But Useful: Episode 78

Ask Uncle Colin: An Additive Inverse

Vectors, lines and laziness

Ask Uncle Colin: Incircles

Dictionary of Mathematical Eponymy: Mrs Perkins' Quilt

Ask Uncle Colin: Remainders

A "creative" integral

Ask Uncle Colin: An Arcsine Inversion

Fibonacci parity

Ask Uncle Colin: A Horrible-looking Limit

Emergency Ask Uncle Colin: What happens now?

The Mathematical Ninja and an Irrational Power

Wrong, But Useful: Episode 77

Ask Uncle Colin: Long Division in Base 5

A PSA on Cylinders and Prisms

Wrong, but Useful: Episode 76b

Ask Uncle Colin: A Pointy Thing

Dictionary of Mathematical Eponymy: Osborn's Law

Wrong, But Useful: Episode 76

Ask Uncle Colin: A Trigonometric Identity

A Tenth Of A Pizza

Ask Uncle Colin: The Twelve Coin Puzzle

A GCSE surprise

Ask Uncle Colin: A Pair of Vectors


Ask Uncle Colin: A horrible CDF

Dictionary of Mathematical Eponymy: Noether's Theorem

Ask Uncle Colin: Dividing by halves

On inverse-trig integration

Ask Uncle Colin: A Strange Error

"How many days old are you?"

Wrong, but Useful: Episode 75

A "Components" Enigma

A few logarithmic tricks

Ask Uncle Colin: Matching sines

The Dictionary of Mathematical Eponymy: The MacWilliams Identity

Ask Uncle Colin: Laying Bricks

The Mathematical Ninja and the Cube Root of 13

Ask Uncle Colin: Where Should I Send Charitable Contributions?

The Classwiz and the Normal Distribution

Ask Uncle Colin: Some Messy Powers

Barney's triangles

Ask Uncle Colin: A Trig Inequality

A Trigonometric Puzzle

Wrong, But Useful, Episode 74

Ask Uncle Colin: A proof

Dictionary of Mathematical Eponymy: The Lutz-Nagell Theorem

Ask Uncle Colin: Greatest Common Divisor (with Polynomials)

A Triangle In A Square

Ask Uncle Colin... About Partial Fractions

Constructing the square root of 6

Ask Uncle Colin: An Exponential Limit

A Harmonic Conundrum

Wrong, But Useful, Episode 73

Ask Uncle Colin: How many draws?

Dictionary of Mathematical Eponymy: The Kovalevskaya Top

Ask Uncle Colin: Missing Planes

Summing Products

Wrong, But Useful: Episode 72

Ask Uncle Colin: A Curve


Ask Uncle Colin: A Partition Enigma

The Mathematical Ninja and the *Other* Pole

Ask Uncle Colin: Family

Dictionary of Mathematical Eponymy: Johnson Solids

Ask Uncle Colin: The Timeless SUVAT Equation

Revisiting Minesweeper

Ask Uncle Colin: A Parametric Integration

Calculating $e^e$ and $e^{-\frac{1}{e}}$

Wrong, But Useful: Episode 71

Ask Uncle Colin: Multiple solutions

A double tangent

Ask Uncle Colin: A Pair Of Birds


Ask Uncle Colin: Meeting Graphs

Dictionary of Mathematical Eponymy: Ivory's Theorem

Ask Uncle Colin: An Area To Find

The Mathematical Ninja and the Unknown Powers

Ask Uncle Colin: A Missing Digit

Barney's Wedge

Ask Uncle Colin: An Infinite Product

Regions of a circle

Wrong, But Useful: Episode 70

Ask Uncle Colin: Why is $e$ not 1?

Dictionary of Mathematical Eponymy: Hoberman Sphere

Ask Uncle Colin: Curved Surface Areas

Futility Closet, Fibonacci and Quadratic Residues

Ask Uncle Colin: A problem of squares and powers

A logs puzzle

Wrong, But Useful: Episode 69

Ask Uncle Colin: A Binary Fraction

A folding puzzle

Ask Uncle Colin: Round-Robin Progress

Middle children

Big Internet Math-Off: My first pitch is live!

Ask Uncle Colin: Some Symmetric Algebra

The Dictionary of Mathematical Eponymy: Sophie Germain primes

Ask Uncle Colin: A Cosine Proof

The Fundamental Theorem of Countdown

Ask Uncle Colin: A Modest Inheritance

A Challenge to the Mathematical Ninja

Wrong, But Useful: Episode 68

Ask Uncle Colin: Consecutiveness

Google's Keypad

Ask Uncle Colin: A Trigonometric Puzzle

The Dictionary of Mathematical Eponymy: The Fermat Cubic

Ask Uncle Colin: Powers and squares

A strange number base

Ask Uncle Colin: The Probability of Winning

Cards and lattices

Wrong, But Useful: Episode 67

Ask Uncle Colin: a fractional power

A triangle puzzle

Ask Uncle Colin: an irrational power

Dictionary of Mathematical Eponymy: Elo ratings

Ask Uncle Colin: Family

On Estimating

Ask Uncle Colin: The Polar Express(ion)

Wrong, But Useful: Episode 66

The Mathematical Ninja and $\arctan(0.4)$

Ask Uncle Colin: A Six-Digit Square

Tactical Voting

Ask Uncle Colin: A round-robin

Heads, Tails and Bumpsdaisy, revisited

Ask Uncle Colin: Disguised quadratics

The Dictionary of Mathematical Eponymy: Daubechies Wavelets

Ask Uncle Colin: Traffic Flow

The Mathematical Ninja and the Ninety-Sevenths

Wrong, But Useful: Episode 65

Ask Uncle Colin: A Fishy Derivative


Ask Uncle Colin: Are these fractions equivalent?

A Puzzle From The MathsJam Shout (With Generating Functions)

Ask Uncle Colin: Solving Trigonometric Equations

Dictionary of Mathematical Eponymy: The Collatz Conjecture

Ask Uncle Colin: Scheduling a tournament

The Mathematical Ninja and the Other Rope

Ask Uncle Colin: What's $\sqrt{100!}$?

A Textbook Error?

Ask Uncle Colin: It's Hip To Be Square

Wrong, But Useful: Episode 64

On Epiphanies

Ask Uncle Colin: Computing $\sqrt{2}$

The Dictionary of Mathematical Eponymy: Banach's Matchbox Problem

Ask Uncle Colin: An Implicit problem

A Matrix Definition of a Line

Ask Uncle Colin: Powers and Remainders


Ask Uncle Colin: A dangling rope

Wrong, But Useful: Episode 63

What I learnt from a STEP Speedrun

Ask Uncle Colin: Integrating $\sec$ and $\cosec$

The Dictionary of Mathematical Eponymy: Ackermann's function

Ask Uncle Colin: A Strange Simultaneous Equation

Sticks and Stones

Ask Uncle Colin: A Factorial Sum

A Christmas Decagon

Ask Uncle Colin: Some Ugly Trigonometry

Review: Festival of the Spoken Nerd, You Can't Polish A Nerd

Ask Uncle Colin: A factorising trick

Wrong, But Useful: Episode 62

Bone Marrow Odds

Ask Uncle Colin: A Mess of Logs

Exchange rates on board

Maths, Magnus Carlsen, and Making Decisions

Ask Uncle Colin: A Cubic That Won't Come Good

All The Maths Podcasts

The Mathematical Ninja and the Variable Volume

Ask Uncle Colin: How do I keep my head up?

Heads, Tails and bumps-a-daisy

Ask Uncle Colin: Why is it called "completing the square"?


Ask Uncle Colin: a load of balls

On degrees

Ask Uncle Colin: A Set Square Mark

A tasty puzzle

Ask Uncle Colin: Platonic Solids

Wrong, But Useful: Episode 61

Mathematical Dingbats

Ask Uncle Colin: Some number theory

A moment of neatness

Ask Uncle Colin: Powers

Ten great books to give an interested mathematician

Ask Uncle Colin: Some Rigour Required

The Mathematical Ninja and the Cube Root of 4

Ask Uncle Colin: A Ridiculous Restriction

Factorising a large number, part II: Gaussian integers

Ask Uncle Colin: a nasty integral

Wrong, But Useful: Episode 60

Factorising a large number, part I: Sums of squares in different ways

Ask Uncle Colin: A Differential Equation

Review: Hello World, by Hannah Fry

Ask Uncle Colin: Decimal arithmetic

The Mathematical Ninja And The Driving Awareness Course

Ask Uncle Colin: A Log Approximation

On Customer Survey Forms

Ask Uncle Colin: Two triangles

Wrong, But Useful: Episode 59

The Maths Behind The Errors In The Maths Behind

Ask Uncle Colin: A Trigonometric Proof

Complex transformations (and incorrect wording?)

Ask Uncle Colin: A Tangential Conundrum


Ask Uncle Colin: About A Tetrahedron

A probability puzzle

Ask Uncle Colin: Stuck on some trig

Can you find a centre and angle of rotation without any construction?

Ask Uncle Colin: inverses and all sorts

Wrong, But Useful: Episode 58

Why the factor and remainder theorem work

Ask Uncle Colin: Quadratic sequences

Two coins, one fair, one biased

Ask Uncle Colin: A Coin Toss Conundrum

A calculator puzzle

Ask Uncle Colin: An Unclear Inequality

A Varignon Vector Masterclass

Ask Uncle Colin: Argentina vs Nigeria

$\cos(72º)$, revisited again: De Moivre's Theorem

Ask Uncle Colin: A Polling Percentage

Wrong, But Useful: Episode 57

$\cos(72º)$, revisited: a geometric method

Ask Uncle Colin: Something powerful

Square wheels on a round(ish) floor

Ask Uncle Colin: Sketching in 3D

Back in 1940...

Ask Uncle Colin: Grade boundaries

A Handshake Problem From the MathsJam Shout

Ask Uncle Colin: A Complex Roots Problem

Wrong, But Useful: Episode 56

Review: Genius at Play, by Siobhan Roberts

Ask Uncle Colin: A binomial puzzler

The Mathematical Ninja and the SSNs

Ask Uncle Colin: Auxiliary Equations With Repeated Roots


Ask Uncle Colin: A Fractional Kerfuffle

Wrong, But Useful: Episode 55

The Involution of Polynomials

Ask Uncle Colin: Tangents to a circle

The Evolution of Polynomials

Ask Uncle Colin: A Troublesome Triangle

Using Units to Deal With Density

Ask Uncle Colin: A modulus power

Sprinkle on the sugar, eat the lot

Ask Uncle Colin: A Misbehaving Inverse

The Stuckness of Andrew Wiles

Ask Uncle Colin: A Fractional Limit

Cowboy Completing The Square

Ask Uncle Colin: A multi-cubic integral

Wrong, But Useful: Episode 54

Another @solvemymaths problem

Ask Uncle Colin: A Weird Arithmetic Progression

A RITANGLE problem

Ask Uncle Colin: Complex quadratics with real values

The Problem Of The Nine-Coloured Cube

Ask Uncle Colin: Dimensions of a box

Random number tables

Ask Uncle Colin: Completing the Square

Wrong, But Useful: Episode 53

Daylight, Durlston Castle, and Where is Hamburg?

Ask Uncle Colin: What is $\cos(72º)$?

An "Impossible" New Zealand exam: Part II

Ask Uncle Colin: A Plane-teaser

An "Impossible" New Zealand exam: Part I

Ask Uncle Colin: Horizontal Asymptotes

The Mathematical Ninja and $\sin(15º)$

Ask Uncle Colin: A mental quotient

Wrong, But Useful: Episode 52

On $0 \div 0$

Ask Uncle Colin: A surprising order

The Maths Behind... Cakes

Ask Uncle Colin: Solve this!

A New Year's Resolution: Diversity

Ask Uncle Colin: How can I be neater?

Glittering like a Christmas tree

Ask Uncle Colin: A Gambling Fallacy

In Praise of... LaTeX

Ask Uncle Colin: A peculiar triangle

Wrong, But Useful: Episode 51, featuring @suedepom

The Sneakiest Integral I've Ever Done

Ask Uncle Colin: Expected goals

An unexpected connection

Ask Uncle Colin: Winning the Lottery

A quadratic simultaneous equation

Ask Uncle Colin: Evil in integral form

Long division

Ask Uncle Colin: I keep forgetting stuff!

Wrong, But Useful: Episode 50

Another of Colin's blasted puzzles

Ask Uncle Colin: Oh God, Not This Again

On the obelus

Ask Uncle Colin: Impulse and Speed


Ask Uncle Colin: A Radical Feast

Wrong, But Useful: Episode 49

Several Strings of 1s

Ask Uncle Colin: A Cosec Proof

Tessellations and cuboids

Ask Uncle Colin: Simultaneous Trigonometry

Are you sure that's a right angle?

Ask Uncle Colin: Shouldn't this be simple?

Lines and squares

Ask Uncle Colin: touching cubics

Revisiting Basel

Ask Uncle Colin: An Infinite Sum

The Paradox of the Second Ace

Ask Uncle Colin: An oblique asymptote

Mishandling polynomials for fun and profit

Ask Uncle Colin: Messing about with infinity

The Mathematical Ninja takes a square root

Ask Uncle Colin: Reversing Fibonacci

An Australian Dining Phenomenon

Ask Uncle Colin: An Uncommon Logarithm

Wrong, But Useful: Episode 47

Collecting coupons

Ask Uncle Colin: An Absurd Quadratic

An Integral Diversion

Ask Uncle Colin: Spotting factors

Revisiting some missing solutions

Ask Uncle Colin: An Enormous Sum

My Stab At Colin's Puzzle

Ask Uncle Colin: An Absolute Quadratic Inequality

The Return Of The Cav

Ask Uncle Colin: Some missing solutions

Wrong, But Useful: Episode 46

A coin sequence conundrum

Ask Uncle Colin: A Polar Expression

The Mathematical Ninja and Cosines

Ask Uncle Colin: Factors!

A common problem: not reading carefully

Ask Uncle Colin: Trouble in Sector ABC

Attack of the Mathematical Zombies: Calc vs non-calc

Ask Uncle Colin: A STEP in the right direction

A curve-sketching masterclass

Ask Uncle Colin: fourth roots

Wrong, But Useful: Episode 45

Some Thoughts On EdExcel 9-1 GCSE Paper 1

Ask Uncle Colin: about Chebyshev's Equation

A Summary Of Some Summery Summation

Sum summary: update

Ask Uncle Colin: Powers and polar form

How Would Martin Gardner Prove It?

Ask Uncle Colin: A Complex Conundrum

Mr Penberthy's Problem

Ask Uncle Colin: My partial fractions decompose funny

Wrong, But Useful: Episode 44

Review: The Mathematics Lover's Companion, by Edward Scheinerman

Ask Uncle Colin: an arctangent mystery

When heuristics go bad

Ask Uncle Colin: A load of parabolics

Spherical caps and coordinate systems

Ask Uncle Colin: how big do the patches on a football need to be?

The Mathematical Ninja and the Poisson Distribution

Ask Uncle Colin: Parametric Second Derivatives

Sweet and Sour Limits

Ask Uncle Colin: A Short, Sweet Limit

Wrong, But Useful: Episode 43

The Mathematical Pirate and The Quotient Rule

Ask Uncle Colin: Approximating an embedded exponential

The Mathematical Ninja lets the student investigate... cube roots

Announcing: Ninja\|Alpha

Ask Uncle Colin: Why does the constant term vanish?

How the Mathematical Ninja approximates $\ln(5)$

Ask Uncle Colin: A Separable Difficulty

A common problem: decimal division

Ask Uncle Colin: 10,958

Wrong, But Useful: Episode 42

A Digital Root Puzzle

Ask Uncle Colin: another vile limit

Another of Alison's Ace Puzzles, Revisited

Ask Uncle Colin: Are normals... normal?

From Euclid to Cantor

Ask Uncle Colin: Trigonometric inverses and picking the correct quadrant

A surprising overlap

Ask Uncle Colin: Perpendicular vectors

Wrong, But Useful: Episode 41

Another of Alison's Ace Puzzles

Ask Uncle Colin: Bridges, Donkeys and Triangles

Going around incircles

Ask Uncle Colin: A Triangle That's Not As Nice As It Looks

How the Mathematical Ninja approximates $\sin(55º)$

Ask Uncle Colin: A Stupid Expansion

An innovative algebraic approach

Ask Uncle Colin: How do I find the power?

Wrong, But Useful: Episode 40

An ex-straw-dinarily silly Fermi problem

Ask Uncle Colin: How do I add things up?

On a Crossnumber Clue

Ask Uncle Colin; A variable fraction

A New Year's Resolution For You (Only For Genius [sic])

Ask Uncle Colin: Find me a circle!

Some charitable suggestions

Ask Uncle Colin: Why is it not 4?

Some exam technique tips for the new GCSE

Ask Uncle Colin: How do I multiply big numbers together?

Wrong, But Useful: Episode 39

Quickfire reviews

This is what you trained for!

Ask Uncle Colin: A Quadratic Conjecture

A nice bit of nrichment

Ask Uncle Colin: A Rational Mess

How The Mathematical Pirate Integrates By Parts

Ask Uncle Colin: Should I Interrupt?

Wrong, But Useful: Episode 38

Ask Uncle Colin: Dividing by decimals

On quadratic sequences

Ask Uncle Colin: is there a link?

How do you estimate the normal distribution for large $z$?

Ask Uncle Colin: Why don't you use 'Dr' on your books?

On the trick with 9s

Ask Uncle Colin: how to do moments questions?

The Great Straight Lines debate

Ask Uncle Colin: Am I working too hard?

The Mathematical Ninja And The Cubes

Ask Uncle Colin: A Huge Power Of Two

Wrong, But Useful: Episode 37

Ask Uncle Colin: Invariant Lines

A curve-sketching challenge

Ask Uncle Colin: A Vector Line

Getting closer to $\pi$

Ask Uncle Colin: A Stretch, Indeed

The Echo and a simple answer

Ask Uncle Colin: A Three-Variable Simultaneous Equation

Some interesting confusion

Ask Uncle Colin: Finding a curve with an asymptote

Should you need a maths degree to teach maths?

Ask Uncle Colin: How do I prove I've revised?

Fractions that generate Pythagorean Triples

Ask Uncle Colin: An elastic speed limit

The Mathematical Ninja and the Tangents Near 1

Ask Uncle Colin: Radians Celsius

On recurring decimals

Ask Uncle Colin: Rational Trigonometric Values

An alternative proof of the $\sin(2x)$ identity

Ask Uncle Colin: why does the normal distribution stop at $z=\pm 4$?

Repdigit endings to squares

Wrong, But Useful: Episode 36

Ask Uncle Colin: How do I multiply mixed fractions?

The Mathematical Ninja and the Nineteenths

Ask Uncle Colin: A STEP vectors problem

Why $\phi^n$ is nearly an integer

Ask Uncle Colin: What is $\tan(1º)$?

The Maths Police Investigate: For The Love Of God, Make It Stop

Ask Uncle Colin: Can you prove $\sin(2x) \equiv 2\sin(x)\cos(x)$?

Brutal simultaneous equations

Ask Uncle Colin: Why does the line with equation $10y+36x=16.5$ have a gradient of -3.6?

A surd simplification masterclass

Ask Uncle Colin: How did they get $\ln(50)$?

The Bigger Fraction

Ask Uncle Colin: An absolute quadratic inequality

On the square root of a third

Ask Uncle Colin: Am I Smart Enough?

The Mathematical Ninja and the twenty-sixths

Wrong, But Useful: Episode 35

Ask Uncle Colin: Simultaneous Equations

A curious identity

Ask Uncle Colin: Trigonometric craziness

How to invert a $3 \times 3$ matrix

Ask Uncle Colin: I've lost my mojo

Review: The QAMA Calculator

Ask Uncle Colin: An Undefined Integral

A lovely trigonometric identity

Ask Uncle Colin: Don't be daunted by D'Hondt?

A frankly ludicrous bit of paper arithmetic

Ask Uncle Colin: A quadratic inequality

A STEP expansion

Ask Uncle Colin: Two Answers For One Triangle

Attack of the Mathematical Zombies: $1=2$

Ask Uncle Colin: A Complex Battle

A MathsJam Masterclass: A Circle That Won't Behave

Ask Uncle Colin: A trigonometric integral

The Mathematical Ninja and The Slinky Coincidence

Wrong, But Useful: Episode 34

Ask Uncle Colin: Integration rules

Further Decimal Curiosities

Ask Uncle Colin: rearranging $\cos^3(x)$

Review: Is This Prime?

Ask Uncle Colin: A STEP integral

The Mathematical Ninja finds the value of $\pi$

Ask Uncle Colin: Changing the variable (FP2 Differential equations)

Second derivatives, reciprocals, and the chain rule

Wrong, But Useful: Episode 33

Ask Uncle Colin: Why does the finger trick work?

Maths and mental health: dealing with panic

Ask Uncle Colin: How do we know the digits of $\pi$ don't recur?

The Mathematical Ninja and the First Rule of $\phi$ club

Ask Uncle Colin: a light matrix product

The Maths Police Investigate: The Beans Of Wrath

Ask Uncle Colin: An Absolute Mess

Review: Turing's Cathedral, by George Dyson

Ask Uncle Colin: A pentagonal rhombus

Why I can't get excited about the new largest known prime

Ask Uncle Colin: A Limiting Issue

Wrong, But Useful: Episode 32

How the Mathematical Ninja approximates factorials, revisited

Ask Uncle Colin: The Last Two Digits

Decimal curiosities

Ask Uncle Colin: What is $\infty \div 2$?

How the Mathematical Ninja estimates factorials

Ask Uncle Colin: How can I beat my little sister?

Where do the suvat equations come from?

Ask Uncle Colin: A Modulo Mistake

A trigonometric coincidence

Wrong, But Useful: Episode 31

Ask Uncle Colin: about summation notation

Is applied maths less satisfying than pure?

Ask Uncle Colin: A hellish trigonometric identity

Review: Mathador Chronos


Ask Uncle Colin: Cambridge!

Review: The Joy of $x$, by Steven Strogatz

Mathematical Zombie: the sticks and crossings method

Ask Uncle Colin: An emergency limit!

Review: The Ideas Factory, by Jon Gertner

Matrix Determinants -- TMTOWTDI

Ask Uncle Colin: Missing Numbers

Review: Birth of a Theorem, by Cédric Villani

Wrong, But Useful, Episode 30: MathsJam Special

Ask Uncle Colin: Random Points on a Sphere

Review: The Numbers Game, by Chris Anderson and David Sally

How the Mathematical Pirate works out the high times tables

Ask Uncle Colin: Multiplying negatives

Review: The Signal and the Noise, by Nate Silver

How the Mathematical Ninja estimates logarithms

Ask Uncle Colin: Is my friend crazy?

Review: Sumaze

Rewriting a function without going piecewise

Ask Uncle Colin: A logarithmic coincidence?

Review: Things To Make And Do In The Fourth Dimension, by Matt Parker

An interesting GCSE triangle

Wrong, But Useful: Episode 29

Ask Uncle Colin: an integral that's giving me a headache

The Maths Police (Financial Unit) Investigate

Ask Uncle Colin: two almost-matching sequences

The times table game

Ask Uncle Colin: An imaginary curve?

Highest common factor and least common multiple - TMTOWTDI

Ask Uncle Colin: how do you find the intersection of three circles?

The Mathematical Ninja and the Powers of 10

Ask Uncle Colin: Are the log laws... lacking?

There's More Than One Way To Do It: Differential Equations

Ask Uncle Colin: Multiple workers

How the Mathematical Ninja multiplies by 67

Ask Uncle Colin: simplifying fractions

The inverse square law

Ask Uncle Colin: A nasty triangle

The Mathematical Ninja and Ailles' Rectangle

Wrong, But Useful, Episode 28

Ask Uncle Colin: a disguised quadratic

Using continued fractions to generate rational approximations

Ask Uncle Colin: How do I look at matrices

How the Mathematical Ninja explains the Mathematical Pirate's circle trick

Ask Uncle Colin: why does the Newton-Raphson method work?

How the Mathematical Pirate finds the centre and radius of a circle

Ask Uncle Colin: a proof with logs in

NME: The Sound Of Silence

Ask Uncle Colin: a topological conundrum

Common sense v Mathematical accuracy

Ask Uncle Colin: A Sticky Integral

My mathematical journey

Ask Uncle Colin: These percentages don't add up!

Wrong, but Useful -- Episode 27

Ask Uncle Colin: These alcohol-related figures look a bit fuzzy

A tennis puzzle

Ask Uncle Colin: Is the Fibonacci series witchcraft?

Why is $(2+\sqrt{3})^n$ nearly an integer?

An ex-Formula 1 driver asks... why does nobody ever ask me my opinion?

Sport, maths, twitter and hulk-smashing (a rant)

A challenge question

Building yurts using vectors

Are you A-level ready?

A student asks: how do I manage nerves in my exam?

Leave poor Hannah alone!

Wrong, but Useful: Episode 26

The Last Minute GCSE Revision Checklist

Conditional probability and the normal distribution

How do I decide whether to take things away from 1 (Normal distribution)

Why are there so many equations for variance?

A circle problem that succumbs to a circle theorem

Getting your $x$s in one basket

Minecraft circles

A great student question

Attack of the Mathematical Zombies: Five excuses that need a bullet to the head

Wrong, But Useful: Episode 25

The Egoless Mathematician

Finding a limit

Normals to an ellipse: a Core 4 masterclass

Why logs and exponentials undo each other

Picking a station

Using flashcards effectively

A MathsJam Masterclass

Udo of Aachen: Lives of the Mathematical Ninja

Book review: Secrets of Creation (Volume I)

How high do things bounce on the moon?

How to put your problems right

My mocks were a disaster - what now?

How I approximated $\pi$ for "Pi Day"

Wrong, But Useful: Episode 24

It's the way they write the questions: a case study

Factorise or factor?

Integrating $\sec^4(x)$

Dividing by 63

Game review: Anadrome

Three simple tricks I wish my GCSE students would use

A student asks: How can I make M1 less confusing?

Wrong, But Useful: Episode 23

A student asks: how do I revise in a hurry?

Taking Trigonometry Further

"A little biter of a question"

The Mathematical Ninja shuttles some numbers

How to ask for help


Prim vs Kruskal

The Mathematical Ninja and The $n$th Term

A Gardner-esque puzzle

Wrong, But Useful - Episode 22

The Curse of the Mathematician

How would you work out $3^{0.7}$?

The pull of the planets

A student asks... about percentages

A student asks: upper bounds

The Attack of the Mathematical Zombie: $(a+b)^2$

Why $\log_{10} (2) \simeq 0.3$

A “Proof” that 1 = 2

Equation of a circle: the Mathematical Ninja

Wrong, But Useful - Episode 21

A multiplication pattern

Why you can’t get unlimited chocolate (at least like this)

A baseball with your name on it

Proving a nice pattern

The Mathematical Ninja takes on the Wall Game

How big a lead can a football team have?

Radians (and why they are better than degrees)

HOW much rice?

Wrong, But Useful: Episode 20

That pesky constant

Why does $x^3 e^{-x}$ go to zero as $x$ goes to infinity?

$n$ maths blogs I often read

Probability and prediction

What percentage of numbers have a seven in?

Wrong, But Useful: Episode 19

The Mathematical Pirate and the Formula Triangle

Using Anki to learn and revise

How can I avoid mistakes?

An awkward inequality

277.42 reasons why we shouldn't readopt the imperial system

Estimating $e$

The Maths Police Investigate: IndyRef edition

The Mathematical Ninja and the Supposedly Funny Cat

Does attitude really equal 100%?

How do I estimate?

Wrong, But Useful: Episode 18

L’Hôpital’s Rule - what it is and why it works

“Just invert and multiply”

The Mathematical Pirate’s Guide to Factorising Cubics

Rote vs readiness

Arccosine: secrets of the Mathematical Ninja

BBC Sport’s anti-smartness bias

Wrong, But Useful: Episode 17

Powers of $e$ revisited: Secrets of the Mathematical Ninja

Why we lose mathematicians (a hypothesis)

Poissons and binomials

$\left(1+ \frac {1}{n}\right)^n$

A student asks: How do you simplify surds?

A trigonometric trick: Secrets of the Mathematical Ninja

Euclid the Game: level 20

A proof of the sine rule

A Ninja Masterclass

Tamil Fractions

Ten books that stayed with me

Wrong, But Useful: Episode 16

Why the Maclaurin series gives you Pascal's Triangle

Which is larger?

A numerical curiosity

Why is $\arcosh$ the positive root?

Complex mappings

The Dreadful Truth About The Table of Joy

There's More Than One Way To Do It: Arithmetic Series

Wrong, But Useful: Episode 15

A student asks: Why is there a $+c$ when you integrate?

Secrets of the Mathematical Pirate: Switcheroos

Why are outliers defined like THAT?!

Boodles: Secrets of the Mathematical Ninja

Nine ways to revise for the GCSE Calculator paper

Recurring decimals: Secrets of the Mathematical Ninja

The C1 Last-Minute Panic Checklist

A student asks: why do you love maths so much?

Carnival of Mathematics, 110

Finding constants for a line or curve - Secrets of the Mathematical Ninja

Wrong, But Useful: Episode 14

Simplifying algebraic fractions (GCSE algebra)

Simplifying algebraic fractions (GCSE algebra)

A student asks: Why does variance do THAT?

Book review: Vedic Mathematics

The Sausage Rule: Secrets of the Mathematical Ninja

Dealing with nasty powers

The square root of three: Secrets of the Mathematical Ninja

The semicircle puzzle

How to remember which way the skewness goes

How The Mathematical Ninja Divides By 49

There's More Than One Way To Do It: Direct and Inverse Proportion

Wrong, But Useful: Episode 13

A riposte to the Mathematical Ninja!

The Equation of a Straight Line: Secrets of the Mathematical Ninja

Is there a tangent rule?

$6\times4$ or $4\times6$?

Sam Warburton's Dilemma

A student asks... about quadratics

Two mysteries cleared up in one

Equations of a straight line: Secrets of the Mathematical Ninja

Logarithmic inequalities, and why I always used to get them wrong

Wrong, But Useful: Episode 12

Multiplying halves by halves: Secrets of the Mathematical Ninja

Why is the sum of five consecutive squares never a square?

Linear Interpolation: There's More Than One Way To Do It

Why negative and fractional powers work the way they do

Figuring out roots of horrible numbers

A student asks: what's it like to do a maths degree?

Blazing through the Binomial Expansion

Quotients and remainders

Wrong, But Useful - Episode 11

Proving three points lie on a straight line (GCSE vectors)

Proving three points lie on a straight line (GCSE vectors)

Why the maths of infinite sums is dangerous

Why I don't buy that $1 + 2 + 3 + ... = -\frac{1}{12}$

Inverse sines near a half: Secrets of the Mathematical Ninja

Dealing with M1 vectors

Wrong, But Useful: Episode 10

The Compulsory New Year's Resolution post

Book Review: Nix The Tricks

Maths Police Christmas Special

The heptagon puzzle

Integration by parts: how you do it, and why it works

There's More Than One Way To Do It: Algebraic Division

Book review: Passion For Science

A student asks... I need to get my grade up: HELP!

Wrong, but Useful: Episode 9

PISA results: my thoughts

Call for guest posts

There's More Than One Way To Do It: Equations of a circle

How the gravitational slingshot works

How I factorise quadratics these days

A student asks... about the Simplex Algorithm

Tactical preference voting

Escoffier, Joyce and Einstein

Exact trig values - Secrets of the Mathematical Ninja

Why I loved the MathsJam conference

Heroic triangles

A reader asks... about matrices

Normal distribution - but fast! Secrets of the Mathematical Ninja

Wrong, But Useful: Episode 8

Why $17 \times 24$ isn't 568

Why you don't add across probability trees - Secrets of the Mathematical Ninja

The geometry of $\sec$

John Halpern's TEDx talk on crosswords

The Mathematical Ninja gets mean

Dividing by 42 - Secrets of the Mathematical Ninja

The Bayesian umbrella

Scheduling a Scrabble tournament

Cosines of small angles - Secrets of the Mathematical Ninja

Last-ditch begging: sponsor me. Please?

Wrong, But Useful: Episode 7

Review: Beating the Odds, by Rob Eastaway and John Haigh

TMTOWTDI: Subtraction

Maths: You've got it all wrong

Two trains and a fly

Sorting a list on the fly

Billy Beane: Lives of the Mathematical Ninja

The Mathematical Pirate's guide to the Chain Rule

Is mathematics discovered or invented?

Wrong, But Useful: Episode 6

Why I Can See My Car works

The Baffling Case of the Boscombe Boffin

When BIDMAS goes bad

When BIDMAS goes bad

Gerolamo Cardano: Lives of the Mathematical Ninja

Review: The Theory That Would Not Die - Sharon Bertsch McGrayne

A talk! A talk!

A reader asks: The Chain Rule

How the Mathematical Ninja integrates

Wrong, But Useful: Episode 5

A reader asks: How does the circle of fifths work?

The Tau of SUVAT

Pascal's tetrahedron

Fibonacci kilometres: how the Mathematical Ninja converts (and how mere mortals can, too)

Review: The Noteboard

Basic maths skills: the ice cream portion

How related are Alice and Bob?

Why the binomial expansion is stupid and you shouldn't use it

Wrong, but Useful: Episode 4

A reader asks: why does $1+1=2$?

How the Mathematical Ninja squares brackets

Book review: Mathematics: A Novel

Calculator on order: basic maths and orders of magnitude

Silly Questions Amnesty

Centres of rotation

The Mathematical Ninja's C4 Paper

Silly Questions Amnesty

The EdExcel C3 debacle: initial thoughts

Maths Police Investigates: The Case of The Clotted Cream Formula

Secrets of the Mathematical Ninja: Taylor series and the product rule

Silly Questions Amnesty

The butterfly isn't to blame

The Mathematical Ninja's Guide To Famous Triangles

Silly Questions Amnesty

Wrong, But Useful: Episode 3

Maths in the real world: flowerpot volumes

Florence Nightingale: Lives of the Mathematical Ninja

Silly Questions Amnesty

A nasty proof: angle bisectors and ellipses

An insight into the mathematical mind: Box-Muller transforms

Silly Questions Amnesty

What's the difference between $x$ and $x_0$?

Basic Maths Skills: How Estimating Saved Me Nearly &dollar;30

Silly Questions Amnesty

The Mathematical Ninja's Topological Takedown

The Mathematical Ninja's Guide To Roundish Numbers

Silly Questions Amnesty

Wrong, But Useful: Episode 2

Sketching graphs: the DATA method

Basic Maths Skills: Listening to the budget (big numbers)

Silly Questions Amnesty

Why is the volume of a pyramid what it is?

The Mathematical Ninja's Ten Coolest Numbers

Silly Questions Amnesty

A reader asks: how long would you last in a casino?

QTS Skills: Working out a percentage of a number

Silly Questions Amnesty

A litany of errors, or James Bloody Grime's Blasted Logarithms Revisited

The Mathematical Ninja's Rules of Fractions

Carnival of Mathematics 97

GCSE Factorising revision

BREAKING NEWS: Largest prime discovered

Basic Maths Skills: The Falklands Islands, Percentages and Bounds

Silly Questions Amnesty

Wrong, but Useful: Episode 1

Book review: The Man Who Loved Only Numbers

Angle patterns on the unit circle

Silly Questions Amnesty

The Peculiar Maths of Birthdays

János Bolyai - Lives of the Mathematical Ninja

Silly Questions Amnesty

Bringing out the big gnus: runs of coins

How the mathematical ninja looks at sums

Silly Questions Amnesty

How paper beat compass and straight-edge

Multiplying by 9 on the fly

Silly Questions Amnesty

Summing a geometric series: Secrets of the Mathematical Ninja

Silly Questions Amnesty

Another Facebook Question (Which I Only Sort Of Answer)

Squaring biggish numbers, revisited

Silly Questions Amnesty

The 23 problems joke

Lives of the Mathematical Ninja: Evariste Galois

Silly Questions Amnesty

Bayes' Theorem and Minesweeper

Why the Mathematical Ninja hopes for a hard exam

Silly Questions Amnesty

Book review: Alex's Adventures In Numberland by Alex Bellos

Dividing by 9 - Secrets of the Mathematical Ninja

Silly Questions Amnesty

James Bloody Grime and his blasted logarithms

The Rule of 72: Secrets of the Mathematical Ninja

Silly Questions Amnesty

How to think about co-ordinate geometry (Part III: Circles, tangents and so on)

Lives of the Mathematical Ninja: Blaise Pascal

Silly Questions Amnesty

How to think about co-ordinate geometry (Part II: curves, tangents and normals)

Remembering how to differentiate - Secrets of the Mathematical Ninja

Silly Questions Amnesty

How to think about co-ordinate geometry (Part I: the equation of a line)

What day of the week is it? It's DOOMSDAY! Secrets of the Mathematical Ninja

Silly Questions Amnesty

Quotable Maths: Nightingale

Recurring Decimals - Secrets of the Mathematical Ninja

Did the world end yesterday?

Silly Questions Amnesty

Quotable Maths: Knuth

Algebraic Fractions: A reader asks

How to get a C in GCSE Maths without becoming a nervous wreck.

How to get a C in GCSE Maths without becoming a nervous wreck

Thirteenths (Part 3/3): Secrets of the Mathematical Ninja

Silly Questions Amnesty

Quotable Maths: Arnold

Oh God, Make It Go Away.

Thirteenths (Part 2/3): Secrets of the Mathematical Ninja

Silly questions amnesty

Quotable Maths: Lang

Alice in Wonderland talk in Weymouth, December 15th

Why are the ninja secrets important?

Thirteenths (Part 1/3): Secrets of the Mathematical Ninja

Silly Questions Amnesty

Quotable Maths: Karlin

The Age of Maths

Secrets of the Mathematical Ninja: Percentage adjustments

Silly Questions Amnesty

Quotable maths: Rosenlicht

A Co-Proof of the Birthday Problem

Secrets of the Mathematical Ninja: The magic of 0.7

Silly Questions Amnesty

Would an infinite number of monkeys eventually write Shakespeare?

Cancelling Fractions - Secrets of the Mathematical Ninja

Silly Questions Amnesty

Quotable maths: Chesterton

The Elements of Mathematical Style (Version 0.1)

R sin alpha: Secrets of the Mathematical Ninja

Silly Questions Amnesty

Quotable Maths: Carroll

Matrices and Google

Secrets of the Mathematical Ninja: How to be a g-whizz

Silly Questions Amnesty

Quotable Maths: Smith

Book Review: Euler’s Gem, by David S Richeson

The Lives of the Mathematical Ninja: Bourbaki

Silly Questions Amnesty

Quotable maths: Krishna

Why is the dot product the way it is?

Secrets of the Mathematical Ninja: Sine and cosine (part II)

Silly Questions Amnesty

Quotable maths: Nicely

Book review: 17 Equations That Changed The World, by Ian Stewart

Secrets of the Mathematical Ninja: multiplying numbers that are close together

Silly Questions Amnesty

Wimborne Literary Festival: Uglification and Derision

Quotable maths: Hofstadter

The cynic's guide to getting a C at GCSE

Secrets of the Mathematical Ninja: Sine, cosine and what they really mean (part I)

Silly Questions Amnesty

Quotable maths: Turing

A reader asks...

Secrets of the Mathematical Ninja: Converting radians to degrees (precisely)

Silly Questions Amnesty

Quotable maths: Kline

How to do a trigonometry proof: five top tips

How to do a trigonometry proof: five top tips

How to do a trigonometry proof: five top tips

The Lives* of the Mathematical Ninja: Srinivasa Ramanujan

Silly Questions Amnesty

Quotable maths: Bourbaki

How to pick a price for an e-book

Secrets of the Mathematical Ninja - nth roots (in your head)

Silly Questions Amnesty

Quotable maths: Roberts

The Names of the Isle of Portland

Secrets of the Mathematical Ninja: Estimating powers of e

Silly Questions Amnesty

Quotable maths: Armstrong

Five ways that maths is stoopid

Secrets of the mathematical ninja: Estimating natural logs

Silly Questions Amnesty

Quotable maths: Fisher

The making of a mathematician (Episode I)

The Lives of the Mathematical Ninja: Paul Erdős

Silly questions amnesty

Quotable maths: Raleigh

Five things Mo Farah can teach you about maths (and other things too)

The Lives of the Mathematical Ninja: Student

Silly questions amnesty

Quotable maths: Galileo

Five ways to stop feeling self-conscious about drawing graphs

The Lives of the Mathematical Ninjas: Benoit B Mandelbrot

Silly questions amnesty

Quotable maths: Hopper

Those medalling kids: knockout tournaments and who wins what?

The Lives of the Mathematical Ninjas: Leonardo

Silly questions amnesty

Quotable maths: Pratchett

Blank slate time...

Secrets of the Mathematical Ninja: One, many and standard form

Silly questions amnesty

Quotable maths: Stout

A question to which I don't know the answer: how to pick a parking space.

Secrets of the Mathematical Ninja: Squaring three-digit numbers, part III

Silly questions amnesty

Quotable maths: Lehrer

Tackling 'When Will I Ever Use This?'

Secrets of the Mathematical Ninja: Squaring three-digit numbers (Part II)

Silly questions amnesty

Quotable Maths - Thoreau

How to replace exams

Secrets of the Mathematical Ninja: Squaring three-digit numbers (Part I)

Free for all Friday

Quotable maths - McKiver

ERROR 101 SENSE NOT MADE: the lunacy of programming exams on paper.

The secrets of the mathematical ninja: converting awkward fractions to decimals.

Free for all Friday (Midsummer edition)

Quotable maths - Pooh

Michael Gove's Dinner Party

Secrets of the Mathematical Ninja: Pascal's Triangle

Free for all Friday

Quotable maths - Adams

"How do I know which method to use?" - How to Integrate

The Way Of The Mathematical Ninja

Free for all Friday

Quotable maths - Tufnel

A neat number trick: digital roots and modulo-9 arithmetic

Secrets of the Mathematical Ninja: Sines and cosines near 45º

Free for all Friday

Quotable maths - Whitehead

Football, frustration and maths

Secrets of the Mathematical Ninja: Trigonometry With Small Numbers

Free for all Friday

Quotable maths - Dylan

The Most Massive Myth that Messes With Maths Mastery

The Secrets of the Mathematical Ninja: The World's Third Most Famous Triangle

Free for all Friday

Quotable maths - Paulos

Why maths exams are not just stupid but actively harmful (reprise)

Secrets of the Mathematical Ninja: Converting degrees into radians

Free for all Friday

Quotable maths - Huxley

The Roulette Wheel and its Distributions

The Secrets of the Ninja Mathematician: An Apology To Base 10 Logarithms

Free for all Friday

Quotable maths - Schrödinger

Five foolish fraction foul-ups that keep costing you points

The Secrets of the Mathematical Ninja: James Martin and the 952 Countdown puzzle.

The Secrets of the Mathematical Ninja: James Martin and the 952 Countdown puzzle.

The Secrets of the Mathematical Ninja: James Martin and the 952 Countdown puzzle

Free for all Friday

Quotable maths - Goethe

The Law of Inverse Ninjas

Secrets Of The Mathematical Ninja: Adjusting using errors.

Free for all Friday

Quotable maths - Hilbert

The insidious maths of payday loans (with added logarithms)

Secrets of the mathematical ninja: some numbers worth knowing

Free for all Friday

Quotable maths - Polya

Completing the square - the easy way

Secrets of the Mathematical Ninja: The surprising integration rule you don't get taught in school

Free for all Friday (Good Friday edition)

Quotable maths - Edison

The three secrets to successful revision

Secrets of the Mathematical Ninja: powers near 1

Free for all Friday

Quotable maths: Bohr

What is a circle? (and how do you answer C2 questions about it?)

Secrets of the mathematical ninja: Divisibility tricks

Free for all Friday

Quotable maths: Lennon

Where to start when you don't know where to start

Secrets of the Mathematical Ninja: squares near 50.

Free for all Friday

Quotable maths: von Neumann

Happy $\pi$ day!

Squaring halves (and fives): Mathematical Ninja Secrets

Free for all Friday

Quotable maths: Russell

A tricky C2 question...

Uswitch, units and unitwit

Free for all Friday

Quotable maths: Erdős

Statistics and the court of law

The easy way to factorise nasty quadratics

Free for all Friday

Quotable maths: Feynman

The smart way to do the binomial expansion (Part II)

The smart way to do the binomial expansion (Part 1)

Free for all Friday - Valentine's week edition

Quotable maths: Einstein

Three good reasons you divide when you integrate

The trig identities you need to know for integration

Free-for-all Friday!

Quotable maths: Rényi

The maths of the decathlon

The crazy way you have to integrate logs

Free for all Friday

Why SOH CAH TOA is stupid (and what you can do instead)

Questions with only one answer

Free for all Friday

The Line of Best Fit (Linear Regression)

How to do calculus with $a^x$

Free for all Friday

Why radians rock (and degrees don't)

How to do... R-sin-alpha questions

Free-for-all Friday

Aces in the pack

Core 1 graphs: all you need to know

Core 1 graphs: all you need to know

Free-for-all Friday

Don't Panic! How to hold off maths anxiety in your exam

What you need to know for Core 1 maths - a checklist

Free-for-all Friday

Seven ways to revise for a maths exam (plus one)

Seven ways to revise for a maths exam (plus one)

Seven ways to revise for a maths exam (plus one)

In praise of... watching football tournaments at exam time

Why AV is bad (for the BNP)

Bayes' Theorem, summer babies and that funny | symbol

Earthquake maths: A Whole Log Of Shaking

Everyday maths: Crossing the Road

Reverse engineering your prime birthday

The 'Dating Rule'

Four fraction failures you'd be a fool not to fix

How to give your kids help with maths homework

The Mystic Rose

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